Wilkes-Barre Lower Deanery Vacation Church School


In late June 2007, the Wilkes-Barre Lower Deanery held its annual Vacation Church School.  It was a combined effort, coordinated by the Church School teachers of Holy Resurrection Cathedral Wilkes-Barre, Holy Trinity Church Wilkes-Barre, St John the Baptist Church Nanticoke, and St John the Baptist Church, Edwardsville.
The theme this year was "Symbols of our Faith." The youngest students made crosses and learned about the cycle of the Church year through its colors and Feast day Icons.  Those in grades 3-5 wrote their own icons on glass, which were blessed by the attendant clergy.  Grades 6 and up learned to make pysanky.  All students enjoyed learning the complex and prayerful art of making prosfora, especially since they got to eat the results of their lesson!  Students, teachers and parents thoroughly enjoyed themselves and grew in faith and friendship, and are looking forward to next year.

(22 images)

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