Tag: St Nicholas
89 results found.
Blessing of Vehicles • Olyphant, PA - 07/21/2024

OLYPHANT, PA [DOEPA] - On Sunday, July 21, St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Olyphant, PA, celebrated the Feast of the Holy and Glorious Prophet Elijah with a blessing of parishioners' vehicles and a parish picnic.

Graduates Honored • Olyphant, PA - 06/09/2024

OLYPHANT, PA [DOEPA] - On Sunday, June 9, the Sunday of the Blind Man, the graduates of St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Olyphant, PA were honored.

Heavenly Hosts • Bethlehem, PA - 06/02/2024

BETHELEHM, PA [DOEPA] - On Sunday, June 2, the Sunday of the Samaritan Woman, the Heavenly Host participants of St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Bethlehem, PA were presented awards for completing various achievements in the Heavenly Host program.

Myrrh-Bearing Women Sunday • Olyphant, PA - 05/19/2024

OLYPHANT, PA [DOEPA] - On Sunday, May 19, the Sunday of the Myrrh-Bearing Women, the community of  St. Nicholas Orthodox Church blessed their parish graves.

Bright Monday • Bethlehem, PA - 05/06/2024

BETHLEHEM, PA [DOEPA] - On Monday, May 6, Bright Monday, St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Bethlehem, PA celebrated the Bright Monday Liturgy.

Great and Holy Pascha • Olyphant, PA - 05/05/2024

On Sunday, May 5, Great and Holy Pascha, the community of St. Nicholas Orthodox Church celebrated the Paschal Vigil in Olyphant, PA.

Great and Holy Friday • Bethlehem, PA - 05/03/2024

On Friday, May 3, Great and Holy Friday, The Burial Vespers of Holy Friday were served at St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Bethlehem, PA.

Holy Unction • Bethlehem, PA - 05/01/2024

On Wednesday, May 1, Great and Holy Wednesday the community of St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Bethlehem, PA celebrated the Sacrament of Holy Unction.

Palm Sunday • Olyphant, PA - 04/28/2024

The Triumphal Entrance of Our Lord into Jerusalem-Palm Sunday services were held on April 28, 2024 at St Nicholas Orthodox Church in Olyphant, PA.

Palm Sunday • Bethlehem, PA - 04/28/2024

On Sunday, April 28, The Feast of the Entry of Our Lord into Jerusalem was celebrated at St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Bethlehem, PA.

Mission Service • Olyphant, PA - 04/24/2024

On April 21, the 5th Sunday of Great Lent: St. Mary of Egypt, St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Olyphant hosted a mission service for the parishes of the Wilkes Barre Deanery.

Oath of Office • Bethlehem - 03/31/2024

On Sunday, March 31, Fr. Nikolai Breckenridge administered the oath of office to members of St. Nicholas church council and to the church auditors.

Sunday Of Orthodoxy • Bethlehem - 03/28/2024

On Sunday, March 24, the community of St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Bethlehem, PA celebrated the Sunday of Orthodoxy.

Sunday Of Orthodoxy • Olyphant - 03/28/2024

The First Sunday of Great Lent, the Sunday of Orthodoxy, was observed by the parish of St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Olyphant on Sunday, March 24.

Archbishop MARK Visits • Bethlehem - 03/19/2024

On Sunday, March 17, the faithful of St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Bethlehem, PA were blessed to have His Eminence, Archbishop Mark, visit the parish.

Foregiveness Sunday • Olyphant - 03/19/2024

On Sunday, February 17, Cheesefare Sunday, the faithful of St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Olyphant celebrated Divine Liturgy and Forgiveness Vespers.

Theophany • Bethlehem - 01/11/2024

Friday, January 5, the community of St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Bethlehem, PA celebrated the Eve of Theophany with a Holy Lenten Supper.

Theophany • Olyphant - 01/10/2024

On Saturday, Jan.6 St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Olyphant celebrated the baptism of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the great feast of Theophany.

Feast of the Nativity • Olyphant - 01/03/2024

On Monday, December 25, St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Olyphant celebrated the Feast of the Nativity of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Nativity Yolka • Bethlehem - 12/21/2023

On Sunday, December 17, an extended coffee hour was held in Chernay Fellowship Hall at St Nicholas Orthodox Church in Bethlehem, PA, where the Annual Yolka was held, presented by the Sunday school students.

Annual Christmas Choir Concert • Bethlehem - 12/20/2023

On Sunday, December 10, the choir at St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Bethlehem, PA presented its Annual Christmas Choir Concert.

Saint Nicholas Youth Celebration • Mechanicsburg - 12/15/2023

orty-five HAOC (Mechanicsburg) parish youth learned about the Life of Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker and the importance of charitable giving at our annual Saint Nicholas Youth Celebration on Saturday, December 9.

The Feast of St. Nicholas • Mount Carmel - 12/15/2023

Once again St. Michael’s Orthodox Church in Mt. Carmel did many activities in commemoration of St. Nicholas Day.

Feast of St. Nicholas • Olyphant - 12/08/2023

On Wednesday, December 6, the congregation of St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Olyphant and several other local Orthodox congregations gathered in Olyphant to celebrate Saint Nicholas Day.

New Robes Blessed • Olyphant - 11/22/2023

On Sunday, November 19, at St. Nicholas Church in Olyphant three new sets of robes for our altar servers were blessed by Fr. Clausson.  

St. Nicholas Honors Sarah and Peter Jubinski • Bethlehem - 11/21/2023

On Saturday, November 11th, Fr. Nikolai Breckenridge performed a Moleben service to honor the 60th wedding anniversary of Sarah and Peter Jubinski.

Celebrating Mitered Archpriest Fr. James Mason’s 90th Birthday! • Bethlehem - 11/17/2023

On Sunday, November 12, the community of St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Bethlehem, PA gathered to celebrate Mitered Archpriest Fr. James Mason’s very notable 90th birthday. 

Heavenly Host Program • Bethlehem - 11/14/2023

On Sunday, November 12, Fr. Nikolai Breckenridge presented Blue Sashes and elective pins to 8 parish youth from St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Bethlehem, PA participating in the Heavenly Host program.

New Chalice Blessed • Olyphant - 09/15/2023

A new Chalice was blessed at St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Olyphant on Saturday, September 9 by Fr. Clausson.

Fr. Fetcho Honored Upon Retirement • Olyphant - 09/13/2023

At Liturgy on Sunday, September 10, the family of St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Olyphant honored V. Rev. Vladimir Fetcho's retirement and also offered prayers for all the students returning to school this fall.

Sunday School Blessing • Bethlehem - 09/13/2023

On Sunday, September 10, Fr. Nikolai Breckenridge gave a Moleben prayer and blessing to the teachers, students and parents who were celebrating the beginning of the Sunday School Church Year.

Feast of the Dormition • Olyphant - 08/17/2023

On Tuesday, August 15, the faithful of St Nicholas Orthodox Church in Olyphant gathered to commemorate the Dormition of the Holy Theotokos.

The Feast of the Transfiguration • Olyphant - 08/08/2023

The parish of St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Olyphant, PA celebrated the feast of the Transfiguration of Our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ on Sunday, August 6.

Blessing Of Vehicles • Olyphant - 07/25/2023

On Sunday, July 16, the annual blessing of cars was held at St Nicholas Orthodox Church in Olyphant.

Annual Family Picnic • Olyphant - 07/24/2023

On Sunday, July 9, St Nicholas Orthodox Church in Olyphant held their annual family picnic.

Archpastoral Visit • Olyphant - 07/05/2023

On Sunday, July 2, the parish of All Saints Orthodox Church joined with St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in welcoming Archbishop Mark on his Archpastoral visit to St Nicholas parish in Olyphant.

The Feast of Pentecost • Olyphant - 06/06/2023

On Sunday, June 4, St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Olyphant joyfully welcomed our new Acting Rector Fr. Nathan Clausson and his family to our parish.

Bright Saturday • Olyphant - 04/24/2023

On Bright Saturday, April 22 the faithful of St. Nicholas Orthodox Church and All Saints Orthodox Church in Olyphant gathered for a Pachal Divine Liturgy.

Bright Monday • Bethlehem - 04/23/2023

Bright Monday Liturgy was celebrated by Fr. Nickolai Breckenridge, rector, assisted by Mitered Archpriest Fr. James Mason, and guest priest, Fr. Michael Kon. Archbishop Mark honored St. Nicholas with a visit.

Great and Holy Pascha Agape Vespers Celebration • Bethlehem - 04/20/2023

Sunday morning April 16, Fr Nikolai Breckenridge, led the parishioners in an Agape Vespers Service.

PASCHA • Olyphant - 04/19/2023

St. Nicholas Orthodox Church, Olyphant, PA celebrated Great and Holy Pascha this weekend with Nocturns, Matins and a Paschal Liturgy.

Palm Sunday Celebration • Bethlehem - 04/18/2023

On Lazarus Saturday, April 08, the pussy willows and palms were blessed by Fr. Nikolai at Evening Vespers.

Great and Holy Friday • Olyphant - 04/18/2023

On April 14, Great and Holy Friday, the faithful of St Nicholas Orthodox Church and All Saints Orthodox Church in Olyphant joined to commemorate the time leading up to and of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

The Sacrament of Holy Unction • Bethlehem - 04/14/2023

Palm Sunday • Olyphant - 04/11/2023

St Nicholas Orthodox Church in Olyphant celebrated Palm Sunday, the Entry of our Lord into Jerusalem, on Sunday, April 9.

Parish Council Installed • Bethlehem - 03/28/2023

On Sunday, March 26, Fr. Nikolai Breckenridge administered the oath of office to members of St. Nicholas Orthodox Church council and to the church auditors.

The Sacrament of Chrismation • Bethlehem - 03/16/2023

On Sunday, March 12, before the Divine Liturgy Service, Elsie Ann Livesey, Age 5, received the Sacrament of Chrismation, performed by Fr. Nikolai.

Pan-Orthodox Lenten Mission Vespers • Bethlehem - 03/08/2023

On Sunday, March 5, Pan-Orthodox Mission Vespers were celebrated on the 1st Sunday of Great Lent, by Fr. Nikolai Breckenridge, rector and president of the Lehigh Valley Orthodox Brotherhood, assisted by several Orthodox priests and deacons of the Lehigh Valley.

Sunday of Orthodoxy • Bethlehem - 03/07/2023

On Sunday, March 5, the faithful of St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Bethlehem celebrated the Sunday of Orthodoxy.

Forgiveness Sunday • Olyphant - 03/06/2023

St. Nicholas Orthodox Church, Olyphant gathered on Sunday, Feb.26 for Divine Liturgy and Forgiveness Vespers.

Scout Sunday • Bethlehem - 02/08/2023

On Sunday, February 5, 2023, Scouting Sunday, Jacob Lezinsky received the St. George's Award Medal from Cub Scouts.

59th Annual Diocesan Assembly (Day 2 of 2) • Bethlehem - 02/03/2023

Day 2 of the 59th Annual Diocesan Assembly began with a Hierarchal Divine Liturgy celebrated by Archbishop Mark, assisted by the Chancellor and Deans of the Diocese.

59th Annual Diocesan Assembly (Day 1 of 2) • Bethlehem - 02/03/2023

The 59th Annual Diocesan Assembly was hosted by St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Bethlehem, PA on January 26 & 27, 2023.

Holy Orders • Bethlehem - 01/30/2023

The 59th Diocesan Assembly took place in Bethlehem, PA on January 26-27. The highlight of our Assembly was the Hierarchical Liturgy with the Ordination of Subdeacon Kirill Zawatski to the Holy Diaconate and Dn Nathan Clausson to the Holy Priesthood by His Eminence, Archbishop MARK.

Theophany • Olyphant - 01/09/2023

On Friday, January 6, the faithful of St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Olyphant gathered to celebrate the Feast of Theophany.

Theophany • Bethlehem - 01/09/2023

On Thursday, January 5, St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Bethlehem, PA celebrated the Eve of Theophany with a Holy Lenten Supper, a Great Compline and Litya with the Great Blessing of the Water.

Feast of St. Nicholas • Olyphant - 12/08/2022

On Tuesday, December 6 in Olyphant, the faithful of All Saints Orthodox Church joined those at St. Nicholas Orthodox Church to celebrate the Feast of St. Nicholas.

Sunday School Blessing • Bethlehem - 09/14/2022

On Sunday, September 11, Fr. Nikolai Breckenridge gave a Moleben prayer and blessing to the teachers, students and parents who were celebrating the beginning of the Sunday School Church Year.

PASCHA Agape Vespers • Bethlehem - 05/12/2022

Sunday morning April 24, Fr Nikolai Breckenridge, with the help of guess priest, Fr. Michael Kon, lead the parishioners of St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Bethlehem, PA in an Agape Vespers Service.

PASCHA • Olyphant - 05/12/2022

On the weekend of April 23, the community of St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Olyphant celebrated the services of PASCHA.

Pan-Orthodox Mission Service • Bethlehem - 03/30/2022

On Sunday, March 27, Pan-Orthodox Mission Vespers were celebrated on the 3rd Sunday of Great Lent, by Fr. Nikolai Breckenridge, assisted by several Orthodox priests and deacons of the Lehigh Valley.

Parish Council Installed • Bethlehem - 03/23/2022

n Sunday, March 20, Fr. Nikolai Breckenridge administered the oath of office to members of St. Nicholas Orthodox church council and to the church auditors.

Archbishop Mark Visits • Bethlehem - 03/09/2022

On Sunday, March 6, 2022, we were blessed to have His Eminence, Archbishop Mark, visit our parish.

Forgiveness Sunday • Olyphant - 03/08/2022

On Sunday, March 6, St Nicholas Orthodox Church in Olyphant, lead in prayer by Rev. James Chuta and Rev. John Nightingale, celebrated Divine Liturgy and Forgiveness Vespers to mark the beginning of the Lenten season.

Coffee Hour To Fund Tornado Relief • Bethlehem - 01/21/2022

The devastation from the tornados that recently occurred throughout Kentucky and other states is beyond belief!

The Great Feast of the Nativity • Olyphant - 12/28/2021

The faithful of St. Nicholas Orthodox Church, Olyphant, PA celebrated the Feast of the Nativity of Christ on Dec. 25, 2021.

Yolka • Bethlehem - 12/13/2021

On Sunday, December 5th, an extended coffee hour was held in Chernay Fellowship Hall, where the Annual Yolka was held by the Sunday School.

Patronal Feast Day • Olyphant - 12/09/2021

On Monday, December 6, the faithful of St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Olyphant celebrated their patronal feast day.

St. Nicholas Youth Celebration • Mechanicsburg - 12/09/2021

Holy Apostles Orthodox Church in Mechanicsburg parish youth learned about the Life of Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker and the importance of charitable giving at our annual Saint Nicholas Youth Celebration in the afternoon of Saturday, December 4.

Feast of St. Nicholas • Mechanicsburg - 12/08/2021

On this joyful Feast day of Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, Archbishop of Myra in Lycia, our Mitered Archpriest Nicholas Molodyko-Harris celebrated Divine Liturgy, with Fr. Timothy Hojnicki co-celebrating at Holy Apostles (Mechanicsburg)

The Sacraments of Baptism and Chrismation • Bethlehem - 06/23/2021

Fr. Matthew Joyner, with the assistance of Fr. Michael Kon, performed a Baptismal Liturgy for Anthony on Saturday, June 19.

Mothers Day and Notable Anniversary • Olyphant - 05/12/2021

On May 9,  Father Fetcho and Father Nightingale led the faithful of St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Olyphant in prayers of thanks and praise for the mothers of the parish and for mothers everywhere.

Agape Vespers • Bethlehem - 05/07/2021

Sunday morning May 2, Fr Matthew Joyner, led the parishioners in an Agape Vespers Service.

PASCHA • Olyphant - 05/05/2021

Nocturns, Resurrection Matins and Paschal Divine Liturgy were celebrated at St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Olyphant On May 1 and May 2.

Good Friday Burial Vespers • Bethlehem - 05/04/2021

On Friday, April 30, the community of St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Bethlehem, PA gathered for Good Friday Burial Vespers.

Great and Holy Friday • Olyphant - 05/03/2021

On Great and Holy Friday Fr. Vladimir Fetcho and Fr. John Nightingale led the congregation of St. Nicholas in Olyphant in commemorating the final events in the life of Christ.

Holy Unction • Bethlehem - 04/30/2021

On Wednesday, April 28, the community of St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Bethlehem, PA gathered for Great and Holy Wednesday and the Sacrament of Holy Unction.

Palm Sunday • Bethlehem - 04/27/2021

On Lazarus Saturday, April 24, after the Divine Liturgy in the morning, the children of the parish put together pussy willows and palm reeds for distribution Sunday.

Palm Sunday • Olyphant - 04/26/2021

On Sunday, April 25 the faithful of St Nicholas Orthodox Church in Olyphant, celebrated the Entrance of our Lord into Jerusalem.

Parish Council Installed • Bethlehem - 03/30/2021

On Sunday, March 28 in Bethlehem, PA, Father Matthew Joyner administered the oath of office to members of St. Nicholas Orthodox church council, and to the church auditors.

Sunday of Orthodoxy • Bethlehem - 03/23/2021

St. Nicholas slowly returns to normal as we recognize Sunday of Orthodoxy.

The Feast of Theophany • Olyphant - 01/22/2021

On Wednesday, January 6, the faithful of St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Olyphant celebrated the Feast of Theophany. 

The Feast of the Nativity • Olyphant - 01/05/2021

The Nativity of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ was celebrated on Friday, Dec. 25 at St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Olyphant, PA.

Patronal Feast • Olyphant - 12/08/2020

On Sunday, December 6 the faithful of St. Nicholas Orthodox Church In Olyphant celebrated their patronal feast day.

Holy Trinity Youth Perform Yolka Program • Wilkes-Barre - 12/07/2020

Holy Trinity Orthodox Church in Wilkes-Barre, PA had a safe, socially distanced Yolka, including Scripture readings, Poems, and Nativity story held in the church nave, directed by Paula Holoviak.

St. Nicholas Presents Fr. John Nightingale With A Gold Cross - 10/20/2020

On Sunday, October 18, 2020 Father John Nightingale was presented a Gold Cross by the faithful of St. Nicholas Parish in Olyphant.

Prophet Elias Feast Day • Olyphant - 07/20/2020

On Sunday, July 19 St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Olyphant recognized the holy prophet Elias' feast day.

The Feast Of Pentecost • Olyphant - 06/08/2020

On Sunday, June 7, the faithful of St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Olyphant celebrated the re-opening of the parish after having been shut down in mid March as a result of the Covid 19 pandemic.

Good Friday • Olyphant - 04/30/2019

The faithful of St. Nicholas in Olyphant celebrated Great and Holy Friday with Vespers, the placing of the Plaschanitza in the Grave and later a procession with the Plaschanitza. 

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