The texts of the propers sung at Vespers (stichera on "Lord I call," Litya, Aposticha, Troparia and Kontakia that change daily according to either the day of the week or particular day of the month). Texts are "pointed" to be sung according to the tonal patterns of the Common Chant (L'vov-Bakhmetev Obikhod, 1869 edition). Texts are formatted in MS Word. Print these pages for your use in liturgical worship!
The Diocese of the West (OCA) has made published "Holy Week and Pascha: Home Resource Guide" for use by the faithful when turning your home into a "Little Church." The file is printable but does contain links to various resources on the internet.
The website "Tending the Garden of our Hearts: Weekly Meditations for Orthodox Families" has listed many resources for Orthodox Christians to help create a "Little Church" in your own home as we approach Holy Week and Pascha.
Ancient Faith has published a helpful article for all Orthodox Christians entitled: "Logistics: Planning Holy Week and Pascha at Home" offering many useful suggestions for making your home a "Little Church" during Holy Week and the Feast of Feasts.
Below you will find schedules and links to all of the services that will take place during Holy Week at parishes across the Diocese who are offering a livestream. Not every parish is doing the same exact services, so please look carefully. Although a service option may not be familiar to you, you are encouraged to participate with your Orthodox brethren from around the state. Please keep in mind the guidelines to use when live-streaming. This calendar will be updated often - many Service times have yet to be decided. Check back often.
This section provides a comprehensive listing of all places offering live streaming.
For those who are watching the livestream, a fellow priest wrote some very good guidelines to help keep us engaged and in a prayerful mindset:
• Before the start of the service, place your device (phone, television, computer, tablet) on or near your icon corner; OR, surround your device with one or more icons.
• Turn off all possible distractions (phone, notifications, oven, alarms, etc.)
• Like you do before church, take care of all personal needs beforehand.
• Dress like you would for a regular Sunday Divine Liturgy. (Casual clothes may encourage a casual, non-prayerful attitude.)
• Follow your regular pattern for maintaining the Eucharistic fast, refraining from food, coffee, etc. until after the Liturgy.
• Print the available service booklets and have them in hand.
• Follow along during the services, and sing/speak along with us, in whatever way you normally would do during the Liturgy.
• As you are able, stand, sit, and kneel as you normally would do during the Liturgy.
• Finally, resist the urge to offer any comments online until after the Liturgy is over.
In short, I encourage you to make these few hours a time of sincere devotion and worship.