The 61st Annual Diocesan Assembly of Philadelphia and Eastern Pennsylvania


From January 23-24, 2025, His Eminence Archbishop Mark presided over the 61st Annual Diocesan Assembly, hosted at St. Michael the Archangel Orthodox Church in Wilmington, DE, where clergy, delegates, and observers from the Diocese of Philadelphia and Eastern Pennsylvania gathered.

On Thursday, January 23, the meeting opened with a prayer, invoking Almighty God’s guidance for a fruitful and efficient gathering. His Eminence addressed the clergy, delegates, and observers, offering words of welcome and reflection as the assembly began its work. The meeting was officially called to order at 4:00 PM, marking the start of the assembly.

His Eminence highlighted the significant increase in converts to the Orthodox Church, particularly among younger individuals. He emphasized that the parishes experiencing the most growth are those that foster strong community bonds and focus on adult education. These parishes go beyond Sunday services to offer meaningful opportunities for individuals to deepen their faith, recognizing that seekers desire a deeper, authentic experience rather than a watered-down version of Orthodoxy. His Eminence also reminded everyone that falling away from the Church is not necessarily linked to ceasing attendance at services, but rather to a lack of active engagement with practices that keep God present in our hearts. When others see our personal commitment to spiritual growth, they are more likely to remain and become active members of our community.

After the first session, attendees enjoyed a meal prepared by the faithful of St. Michael's Parish, followed by Daily Vespers led by Father Victor Gorodenchuk. Following the service, a Memorial Litya was served for all departed clergy and faithful of the diocese. May their memories be eternal! Вечная память!

This year’s guest speaker for the assembly was Archpriest Nicholas Solak, Director of the Office of Pastoral Life for the Orthodox Church in America. He began the second session by addressing the critical connection between healthy clergy and healthy parishes. Father Nicholas emphasized that clergy well-being is essential to the Church’s mission, noting that when clergy are healthy, they are better able to lead, inspire their communities, and foster vocations. He also highlighted the growing issue of clergy burnout, common in helping professions, and underscored the need for greater support and attention to clergy health.

Father Nicholas discussed the financial challenges many clergy face, noting that 40% of OCA clergy have less than one month's savings. He urged parishes to invest in clergy education and support, including budgeting for continuing education and aftercare for clergy after difficult situations. He also recommended that parishes make vacations possible for clergy and encourage them to take time off. Father Nicholas emphasized the importance of parishioners actively listening to clergy and their families to ensure their well-being.

After the presentation, His Eminence thanked Father Nicholas and Matushka Masha for their many years of service to the Diocese and the Orthodox Church in America, acknowledging their dedication and contributions to the community.

After the session, a wine and cheese social was held, providing a chance for fellowship among the clergy and faithful in attendance.

On Friday, January 24, the Feast of Saint Xenia of St. Petersburg, the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy was celebrated by His Eminence Archbishop Mark. Serving with His Eminence were Archpriest Raymond Browne, Archpriest Timothy Hojnicki, Archpriest Victor Gorodenchuk, Archpriest Innocent Neal, Archpriest Nicholas Solak, Priest Silouan Burns, and Protodeacon Peter Skoog. The choir was led under the direction of Reader Andrew Ashton.

Following the vesting in the center of the Church, Constantine Bergwall was tonsured a reader. May God grant him many years!

The homily was offered by Father Nicholas Solak. During the Divine Liturgy, many of the faithful present received Christ’s Holy Mysteries.

After the dismissal, His Eminence, on behalf of the Diocese, presented Father Nicholas Solak with a jeweled cross as a gesture of deep gratitude for his devoted service to the faithful of Holy Trinity in Stroudsburg, PA, and the Diocese.

A meal was then served in the Church hall, allowing attendees to enjoy fellowship before continuing with the day's activities. After the meal, the third session of the assembly commenced.

The session began with Mrs. Laura Najemy, Parish Council President, gave a brief talk on postpartum depression and the associated challenges that can affect both mothers and fathers after childbirth.

Mr. John Buckeye, Lay Chairman, expressed his gratitude to His Eminence for his outstanding leadership of the Diocese and praised the beautiful Divine Liturgy that morning. An overwhelming applause followed these statements.

During this session, Mr. Mark Linnehan, Diocesan Treasurer, presented the Treasury Report and 2025 Budget Proposal, providing a comprehensive overview of the Diocese's financial status. These reports were shared in advance on the diocesan website. He confirmed that the financial state of the Diocese is strong, with all obligations met and assets increasing.

The assembly also included elections for various diocesan positions. Father Raymond Browne and Mrs. Danalisa Radu were elected to the Metropolitan Council as clergy and lay representatives, respectively. Representatives for each deanery were chosen, and auditors were confirmed for terms ranging from 1 to 3 years.

The 62nd Annual Diocesan Assembly will take place on January 29-30, 2026, in the Wilkes-Barre Deanery (location to be decided). The meeting adjourned at 12:13 PM, concluding with the singing of “It is truly meet.” The session included important decisions and acknowledgments, marking a successful and productive gathering for the Diocese.

On behalf of His Eminence Archbishop Mark, the clergy, delegates and observers who participated, the Diocesan Media Office would like to extend it's gratitude to Priest Silouan, Matushka Emilia Burns, and the Faithful of St. Michael the Archangel Church for their kindness and hospitality in hosting this assembly.

Glory to God for all things!

All reports from the 61st Diocesan Assembly can be found HERE.

CLICK HERE to watch the video report.

Photo credit: Archpriest Seraphim Reynolds

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