Swearing in of new Parish Council - 11/11/12
The newly elected St. John the Baptist Parish Council was sworn in to office following Divine Liturgy on Sunday, November 11, 2012. The officers and trustees were elected at the annual parish meeting. Those taking the oath included:
President - Kathy Harmanos
Vice President - Joseph Kaucher
Recording Secretary - Benjamin Dragan
Assistant Recording Secretary - Edward Morgans
Treasurer - Christine Adamski
Assistant Treasurer - Lisa Welkey
Financial Secretary - Joseph Wozniak
Assistant Financial Secretary - William Kupstas
Cemetery Administrator - Mary Cunius
Lucille Dragan
Elizabeth Dutko
John Rushton
Evelyn Swetts
Joyce Walsh
William Deletconich
Joanne Olejnick
Mary Lou Fedorko
Doris Amos