St. Nicholas Youth recognized for their Heavenly Host Achievements - 06/02/24
On Sunday, June 2, the Sunday of the Samaritan Woman, the Heavenly Host participants of St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Bethlehem, PA were presented awards for completing various achievements in the Heavenly Host program. Priest Nikolai Breckenridge, Rector of St. Nicholas Church, presented the awards to the participants from the parish. The Heavenly Host program is based on the Angelic Ranks, providing age-appropriate activities for ages 8-18. It is intended to provide Orthodox Youth a foundation of Orthodox Christian Knowledge and experience so that they can passionately and intelligently “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations” (Matthew 28:19).
Achievement Awards were presented to the following:
Lydia Bzik – Archangel Rank, Paschal Season Elective
Nicholas Bzik – Archangel Rank, Paschal Season Elective
Charles Heitzenrater – Angel Rank, Angels Elective
Charlotte Heitzenrater – Angel Rank, Angels Elective
Thomas Heitzenrater – Angel Rank, Angels Elective
Alexander Hodson – Archangel Rank, Ten Commandments Elective, and Winter Retreat Elective
Christopher Hodson – Archangel Rank, Ten Commandments Elective
Aurora Mascari – Archangel Rank, Psalms 1 Elective
Joseph Mascari IV – Archangel Rank, Psalms 1 Elective
May God grant them Many years! Glory to God for all things!