Saint Mary’s Weclomes Olga (Doreen) Kruk - 03/10/24
On Sunday, March 10, 2024, Doreen Kruk received the Holy Sacrament of Chrismation at Saint Mary’s Orthodox Church in Saint Clair. Doreen has taken the name of Olga from Saint Olga, mother of Prince and Saint Vladimir. Father Timothy Hasenecz blessed the Icon of Saint Olga and also a beautiful cross, and then performed the Chrismation service prior to Divine Liturgy. Michele DiBaggio, who was her sponsor, presented her with the cross. Olga was given the newly blessed Icon of Saint Olga at the conclusion of DivineLiturgy. Afterwards, a light luncheon was held in honor of Olga.
Welcome Olga to Orthodoxy and to your church family of Saint Mary’s Orthodox Church! May God Grant Olga Many Blessed Years!