Christ the Saviour Celebrates Meat-Fare Sunday,Installs Parish Council - 02/23/20
On Sunday, Feb 23rd the community of Christ the Saviour gathered on the Lord's Day to celebrate to Sunday of the Last Judgement (Meat-fare). After the proclamation of the Gospel, Fr. Daniel Kovalak offered an inspiring homily about Matthew 25 and led the children (and all of us) in a song he wrote to help us remember "as long as you've done it to the least of these, you've done it unto Me!" May the Lord help us to remember this truth as we enter into the Great Fast. At the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy, with the blessing of His Eminence Archbishop Mark, our newly elected parish council was installed. May God grant them wisdom, peace, and faithfulness in fulfilling their vocation to our parish and His Holy Church.