Christ the Saviour Welcomes Steven Christoforou - 02/10/19
On Sunday, February 10th the community of Christ the Saviour welcomed Steven Christoforou, the director of the Greek Archdiocese's Youth and Young Adult ministry (Y2AM). He was the retreat leader at the Annual Diocesan Winter Retreat (BeeTreat) from Friday, Feb 8 - Saturday, Feb 9th hosted by our parish (see the related photo gallery) - and stayed for the Liturgy on Sunday and preached a wonderful homily. Steven is a graduate of Holy Cross Greek Orthodox Seminary, and is popular in Orthodox circles for his work on the programs "Be the Bee", "Pop Culture Coffee-hour", and "We are Orthodoxy" to name a few. Following the Divine Liturgy we gathered for our Annual Parish Meeting in the Fellowship Hall. Glory to God for all things!