Christ the Saviour Hosts 2019 Youth Winter Retreat - 02/09/19
From Friday, February 8 - Saturday, February 9 the community of Christ the Saviour hosted the annual DOEPA Winter Teen Retreat (BeeTreat). Nearly 50 students came, from several Dioceses and Jurisdictions. This years retreat was led by Steven Christoforou, the director of Y2AM, best known for his work with the video series "Be the Bee". On Friday evening we also welcomed Shelley Brooks, the director of the Bethesda Mission Women's Shelter, who inspired our teens with her personal story, and how God called her to minister to homeless women and their children. Following her presentation the students prepared a meal that was served at the shelter the following day. Following morning prayers on Saturday, Steve took our students through deep and inspiring sessions on prayer, silence, active listening, and service to others. The sessions were filled with practical tools to engage Christ, ourselves, and our neighbors through the wisdom of the Church. We are thankful for the ministries of Shelley and Steve, to the members of our parish and the St. Tikhon Summer Camp program who came to help organize the event, prepare the meals, and serve as chaperones. Glory to God!