St. Michael’s Orthodox Church Celebrates Parish Feast - 11/08/14

St. Michael’s Orthodox Church in Mt. Camel welcomed His Grace, Bishop Mark on November 8, 2014 for St. Michael’s Day. A full day of celebration of the Parish Feast occurred, including Divine Liturgy, a luncheon, and guest speakers including Dr. David Ford, Dr. Harry Boosalis and Father Andrew Stephen Damick.

Emmy and Bess are welcoming visitors
Great attendance at Divine Liturgy
Father Theophan reads the Gospel
Father Stephen delivers the Homily
The Holy Apostle Mission Church Choir provided the responses during Divine Liturgy
The faithful receiving Communion
His Grace, Bishop Mark at dismissal
Rachel Rebuck made a beautiful and delicious cake for the celebration
All were invited to a luncheon following the Divine Liturgy
Matushka Kristi with Ally and Kyra
 The parishioners worked hard preparing for the day and enjoyed working together
His Grace, Bishop Mark giving the Blessing at lunch
Dr. David Ford gave a lecture on “Introduction to Church History”
Dr. Harry Boosalis gave a lecture on “An Introduction to Orthodox Spiritual Life”
Father Andrew Stephen Damick gave a lecture on his new book “An Introduction to God”
A light dinner was served to those who attended the lectures