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Our Parishes

St. Michael the Archangel Church
2231 E Huntington Dr
Wilmington, DE 19808-6900

Philadelphia Deanery

Rev. Silouan Burns, Rector

Rev. Dn. James Carpenter, Attached

Rev. Dn. Nicholas DiDonatoAttached

County:New Castle
Driving Directions:

From north of Wilmington

Take I-95 south to exit 5B, Rt 141 north (Newport). Take 141 north to exit 6B, Rt 2 west (Kirkwood Highway / Newark). Follow Rt 2 west for 3 miles. The church will be on the left; turn left into Pinecrest subdivision, and the church is immediately on the left.

From south of Wilmington

Take I-95 north to exit 4B, Rt 7 north. Follow Rt 7 north approximately 2 miles to traffic light at Kirkwood Highway (Rt 2). Turn left at this traffic light and go approx. 1/2 mile. The church will be on the left; turn left into Pinecrest subdivision, and the church is immediately on the left.

More Information:

In 1913 a small group of Orthodox Christian immigrants from the Austro-Hungarian area of Europe, Russia and Ukraine met to consider forming a Russian Orthodox parish in Wilmington. In 1915 a larger group under the guidance of Fr John Zloben purchased a row house at 431 S Claymont St and converted it into a house of worship. Growth increased in 1921 when a Russian Orthodox community in Pennsgrove, NJ closed and religious articles were acquired. Further growth permitted the addition at the site in 1930 of a priest’s living quarters as well as church school facilities.

In 1950, under the spiritual leadership of the beloved Archpriest Basil Anziferoff, the row house chapel at 431 S. Claymont was torn down and replaced with a brand-new Orthodox church edifice.

In 1962, six acres of farm land on Kirkwood Highway were acquired. By this time, most of the parishioners were moving from the Claymont St area to the suburbs. In anticipation that a new house of worship would be built on the Kirkwood Highway property, a rectory for the priest was purchased in 1975 in nearby Newark.

It was under the spiritual leadership of Father Joseph Chupeck that the community of St Michael the Archangel built its present structure. To obtain funds to construct the new church on Kirkwood Highway, the Claymont St site was sold in 1978 and ground was broken in that same year. Through the generosity of McCrery Funeral Homes, the funeral memorial chapel was used for the parish’s worship services while the present house of worship was under construction.  It was completed and dedicated in 1980.

Since the establishment of the Church on Kirkwood Highway, several things were accomplished:  A rectory adjacent to the Church was acquired in 1985. A traditional cupola and gold cross were added to the Church in 1990. The iconostasis was completed in 1996, and in the same year the Church was consecrated with the placing of the Holy Relics in the Altar by Metropolitan Herman (then the ruling diocesan bishop).

It should be noted that since the 1970s, St Michael’s has used the English language for worship services and has followed the New Calendar.

Today’s parish life includes a full cycle of church services throughout the year, educational opportunities (Church School, Adult Bible Study, Youth Group Ministry, Girls Youth Ministry, & an Inquirer / Catechumen class called Foundations) and various ministry services, such as:  Altar servers, choir, children’s choir, chanters and readers, young adults ministry, college campus ministry (OCF), prosphora bakers guild, Fellowship Hour hosting, library & bookstore, building and grounds maintenance and beautification, and more.

Presently, by God’s Grace, we are growing exponentially. We are blessed with a vibrant, active parish community with lots of children. On Sundays, it might be difficult to find a parking space (feel free to park in the neighborhood - we are working on expanding our parking lot mid to late 2024) and it can be equally difficult to figure out where to stand during our Sunday morning service, but don’t be dismayed!  Come and see! We are a welcoming community and love to have visitors and inquirers.


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