Very Special Guest Welcomed For Feast • Edwardsville

St. John the Baptist Welcomes Very Special Guests - 02/04/2024

On Sunday, February 4, the community of St. John the Baptist Orthodox Church in Edwardsville, PA welcomed our Administrator, Fr. Innocent Neal, along with the newly ordained Fr. Kirill Zawatski and his wife, Olivia. We were also most overjoyed to welcome Fr. Michael Evans and Matushka Sonia, our dear friends. Fr. Michael has been battling some serious health problems, and it was truly a blessing to see them at Divine Liturgy.
Following Divine Liturgy, Fr. Innocent and Fr. Kirill blessed candles on the occasion of the Feast of the Meeting of Our Lord in the Temple. The parish the met in Repella Hall to conduct our yearly Parish General meeting, where new officers were elected, and plans for the new year were discussed.
The day was truly a blessing for all and the community was filled with gratitude that we were able to welcome our distinguished guests, participate in worship, celebrate the Feast, and meet to plan our future endeavors. Glory to Jesus Christ!

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