Diocesan Revitalization Workshop Held at St. Tikhon's Monastery

Diocesan Revitalization Workshop Held at St. Tikhon's Monastery - 11/09/2012

On Friday, November 9th, members of the the Revitalization Committee presented a series of lectures as part of the Revitalization Workshop offered by the Diocese of Philadelphia and Eastern Pennsylvania with the blessing and presence of His Eminence, Archbishop Tikhon.

This Workshop was mandatory for all diocesan clergy and was held in the Museum of St. Tikhon's Monastery, South Canaan, PA. The ongoing work of the Committee, which has already produced a Parish Health Inventory Model (based on the model of the OCA Diocese of the Midwest) has focused on the process of revitalizing all parishes within the diocese.

The Workshop began with an Akathist to the Icon of the Mother of God "She Who is Quick to Hear", led by His Eminence, Archbishop Tikhon with responses sung by the clergy as well as parish members at the Monastery Church. Following this, eight 30-minute presentations were offered by each of the members of the Revitalization Committee, each focusing on one of the components of the Parish Health Inventory Model.

At the conclusion of the presentations, Archbishop Tikhon exhorted the clergy to take the lead in implementing the process of self-evaluation in their own parishes. It was was the recommendation of the entire Committee that each parish priest work on an on-going basis with their parish councils or a group of committed faithful, to undertake the steps that will lead to the spiritual growth of all of our diocesan communities.

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