50th Anniversary of St. Stephen's Cathedral


On October 4-6, 2024, St. Stephen's Orthodox Cathedral in Philadelphia, PA, Celebrated their 50th Anniversary. His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon presided over the celebration with His Eminence, Archbishop Mark concelebrating.

On Friday, October 4, 2024, His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon, arrived at the Diocesan Cathedral with His Eminence, Archbishop Mark. Upon arrival, a Moliben was served to St. Michael the Archangel, the patron of the newly renovated chapel. Serving with the Hierarchs were Archpriest Victor Gorodenchuk, Dean of the Diocesan Cathedral and Dean of the Philadelphia Deanery, and Archpriest Timothy Hojnicki, Vice-Chancellor of the Diocese of Eastern Pennsylvania and Dean of the Frackville Deanery. Protodeacon Peter Ilchuk and Deacon Tikhon Wallace also served. The responses were sung by the St. Tikhon's Theological Seminary Choir under the direction of Priest Caleb Lewis. His Eminence blessed the chapel with Holy Water, and His Beatitude anointed the walls with oil.

Following the dismissal, His Beatitude thanked His Eminence for the invitation and expressed gratitude to Archpriest Victor and the Cathedral Community for hosting. Greetings were exchanged by the hierarchs, and a meal was held in the Cathedral hall downstairs.

On Saturday, October 5, 2024, His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon, presided at the celebration of the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy, with His Eminence, Archbishop Mark, concelebrating. Serving with the Hierarchs were Archpriest Victor Gorodenchuk, Archpriest Raymond Martin Browne, Chancellor of the Diocese of Eastern Pennsylvania, Archpriest John Parker, Dean of St. Tikhon's Seminary, Archpriest Timothy Hojnicki, Priest Emmanuel Pratsinakis, Archpriest Mark Koczak, Archpriest Milorad Orlic, Archpriest Stephen Vernak, Archpriest Nikolai Gulin, Archpriest Nicholas Dellerman, and Priest Nathan Clausson. Protodeacon Peter Ilchuk, Protodeacon George Zlatkowski, and Deacon Tikhon Wallace also served. The responses were sung by the St. Tikhon's Seminary Choir under the direction of Priest Caleb Lewis.

After the dismissal of the Primatial Liturgy, "Memory Eternal" was intoned for the departed members of the Diocese of Eastern Pennsylvania and the members of St. Stephen's Cathedral, including Archpriest Alexander and Matushka Mary Fedoronko. Following the prayers for the reposed, Synodal Gramotas were presented to the parish and to Deacon George and Matushka Margarite Zlatkowski for their service to the Cathedral and the Orthodox Church in America.

Following the veneration of the cross, a banquet was held at the Radisson Hotel. A toast was made by Mr. Paul Fedoronko, son of Archpriest Alexander Fedoronko, the founding pastor of the Cathedral. The guests were welcomed by Mr. Andrew Yencha, Warden of St. Stephen's Cathedral. A letter written by Mitred Archpriest Daniel Geeza, former Dean of the Cathedral, was read by Archpriest Raymond Martin Browne. Archpriest Victor Gorodenchuk gave pastoral remarks as Dean of the Cathedral, followed by archpastoral remarks by His Eminence and then finally primatial remarks by His Beatitude.

Following the banquet, Vigil was served at the Cathedral by Archpriest Victor and Deacon Tikhon. His Eminence, Archbishop Mark presided from the throne. The responses were sung by the Cathedral Choir under the direction of Mr. John Miller.

On Sunday, October 6, 2024, His Eminence, Archbishop Mark, presided over the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy. Following the Hours, Patrick Bookstaber was tonsured a Reader. Concelebrating clergy included Archpriest Victor, Mitred Archpriest Nicholas Molodyko-Harris, Priest Nathan Clausson, Protodeacon George Zlatkowski, and Deacon Tikhon Wallace along with servers of the parish. The choir was led under the direction of Mr. John Miller.

His Eminence offered the homily, reminding everyone that every human being is made in the image and likeness of Christ. "Our goal as Christians is to take up what Adam forsook and to pursue the divine likeness and become like God." He emphasized the importance of remembering this and applying it to our daily lives as Christians.

Following the dismissal, Diocesan Gramotas were presented to several members of the Cathedral community. A meal was held afterward in the Cathedral Hall downstairs.

May God protect and preserve His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon, His Eminence, Archbishop Mark, Archpriest Victor, Matushka Anastasia, and their family, and the faithful of St. Stephen's Cathedral, for many years!

Glory to God for all things!

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Moliben in Newly Renovated Chapel - 10/04/2024

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Primatial Liturgy at Diocesan Cathedral - 10/05/2024

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Hierarchical Liturgy at Diocesan Cathedral - 10/06/2024

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